Tips for choosing the best wood for your fireplace

Tips for choosing the best wood for your fireplace(ξυλα για τζακι)

Since winter has really shown up - snow, downpour and frost - in no way like inclination the pleasant warmth of the fireplace. It is probably the greatest pleasure during this season, correct? The best an ideal opportunity to appreciate a touch of perusing, a pleasant conversation or just stare at the mesmerizing dance of flames. 

In any case, what is the way to getting a decent fire? Are on the whole woods the same? Also, in the event that I need to make the firewood, how would I cut it and save it?

In this post we will answer every one of these questions and we will give you some tips to always have the best firewood available to appreciate the best fire.

The first thing, the fireplace: open or closed

The first thing to remember is that every wood burns in an alternate manner, contingent upon whether they are soft or hard; And that the best decision also depends on the kind of fireplace you have in your home, open or closed . In open fireplaces, it is recommended to use hard woods, 

which have a higher calorific worth and keep the warmth better, since this is generally lost by the draft from the stack. On closed doors , then again, you can use hard or softwood, including different types of fuel such as briquettes (minimal cylinders made of shavings, sawdust and vegetable remains) or anthracite coal.

Important, when in doubt: the best firewood is always dry firewood , which is not green or freshly cut. Furthermore, of course, that it has not been treated with varnishes or different chemicals . Besides, it is advisable to always stay away from resinous wood , which can be moist and produce excessive smoke.

Hardwoods: more sultry for more

Hardwoods are especially recommended to keep a decent fire for a more drawn out time and give a ton of warmth; even the embers of this kind of wood stay incandescent for a more extended period. We should see the most widely recognized:(καυσοξυλα)

Enci na : it is one of the hardest in our fields; It has a long length and leaves awesome coals. Ensure it is extremely dry, as its dampness is high.

Olive : one more of the most used for open fireplaces, since it takes brief period to consume yet has a long length and generates a live fire, with extraordinary calorific worth.

Ash and beech : these woods dry well overall, are easy to light and their fire is exceptionally splendid and snapping.

Oak : despite the fact that it takes quite a while for it to be completely dry (around two years), the result is justified, despite all the trouble. It is a wood that takes quite a while to consume and leaves a brilliant ash.

Birch : with a white bark and extraordinary hardness, the one provides the most vivacious fire and the one that catches the fastest.

Other great quality firewoods are almond, carob, hornbeam, cherry, every one of them consistent and a decent term to warm any fireplace.

Softwoods: ideal for stoking the fire

These woods don't leave consistent embers and their fire lasts less time, yet they get on faster; So they are ideal for lighting the fireplace or stoking the fire when it is decreasing. They for the most part come from fast developing trees and some natural product trees. Linden, chestnut, poplars, and especially pine or fir are some examples.

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